Violins in Flight
The Chapters of a Pilot's Life on Instruments
Living at Sea Level
I divide the things I hear and the things I see into four categories: truths, facts, lies, threats.
I try to keep my head out of the sand, especially when I'm surrounded by sand.
I like simplicity, so I write simple words and compose even simpler melodies.
I love music.
I kind of play the violin and the guitar, meaning I'm neither a violinist nor a guitarist but I'm working on the violin part. The guitar's much too difficult!
I love reading.
Growing up, my favorite book was Never Trust a Naked Bus Driver. It's still one of my favorite books so if, like me, you've not yet fully grown up, I highly recommend it. The author was brilliant and a bit crazy, traits often mistaken for one another. His name was Jack Douglas and I credit him helping me survive a month in Fitzgerald Mercy Catholic Hospital circa 1960. Don't know what I would've done without Jack Douglas...and Demerol.
I love flight.
I love airplanes.
I love flight crews.
I love our military.
I love a lot of things that aren't things.
I love some who are reading this now.
I hate fascists.
I hate nazis.
Maybe that's everything you need to know about me, except for this...
I live at sea level.
Unless you look down upon me, I'll always look up at you.
And if you look down upon me, I want nothing to do with you.
And that's the truth.